lördag 15 augusti 2020

New purchase Bayer

 This is the first new stock I've bought since I started this blogg. I've had Bayer on my watchlist for quite some time, wish I would've bought them in March during the selloff but I still like them. Bayer is probably most know for creating Aspirin and has recently featured a lot in the news with the Monsanto deal and also the fine they had to pay. Hopefully with that all out of the way there is a bit to gain from them. Also with a dividend yield of nearly 5% it's a nice addition to my dividend portfolio.

Number of stocks bought: 50
Price: EUR 56.94
Effect on yearly dividend: + SEK 1,050.00 (Estimate EUR/SEK 10 and 25% tax rate).

Dividend Income July 2020

July wasn't great as Disney didn't pay any dividend. Also starting to notice the strong SEK in the dividend payouts. At least I can buy new stocks cheaper now.

Total dividends received: SEK 622.65

Coca-Cola - SEK 199.83
JCI - SEK 218.75
Realty Income - SEK 179.52
GE - SEK 24.55

Reinvesting BASF dividend

 Was not expecting to receive any dividend from BASF this year, but this gave me two new ones.

Stocks owned: 40
Dividend per stock: SEK 25.5185
Dividend received: SEK 1,020.74
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 517.42 x 2 = SEK 1,034.84)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 42
Effect on yearly dividend: + SEK 51.037

Dividend Income June 2020

I've been a bit slow with updates recently, but better late than never. June was actually the best June on record for me, but all becuase BASF paid out their dividend. I didn't think they would so it was a pleasant surprise.

Total dividends: SEK 2,858.29

McDonald's - SEK 225.91
Walmart - SEK 209.75
Hugo Boss - SEK 16.83
Kellogg - SEK 179.15
3M - SEK 233.01
Microsoft - SEK 180.54
Nvidia - SEK 31.54
Realty Income - SEK 183.09
Intel - SEK 235.43
Unilever - SEK 173.02
Thomson Reuters - SEK 169.28
BASF - SEK 1,020.74