fredag 23 april 2021

Reinvesting SCA dividend

First time reinvesting dividend in SCA. I really need to increase my holdings in SCA and Essity so I can start to reinvest higher amounts.

Stocks owned: 80
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.00
Dividend received: SEK 160.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 155.00 x 1 = SEK 155.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 81

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 2.00

Reinvesting Husqvarna dividend

Able to buy two new stocks in Husqvarna this time.

Stocks owned: 366
Dividend per stock: SEK 0.80
Dividend received: SEK 292.80
Reinvested number of stock: 2 (SEK 123.65 x 2 = SEK 247.30)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 368

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 4.80

Reinvesting Telia dividend

Not sure if I can tell a difference yet in the number of reinvested stocks I am able to buy due to reinvesting Telia's dividend. But I'm getting to a point soon were each reinvestment makes me able to reinvest into one additional stock. The snowball is in motion.

Stocks owned: 881
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.00
Dividend received: SEK 881.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 24 (SEK 36.38 x 24 = SEK 873.12)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 905

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 48.00

Reinvesting Bonava dividend

Small reinvestment in Bonava. Think I need to increase my holdings a bit in both NCC and Bonava, but there are so many other stocks to invest in at the same time.

Stocks owned: 82
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.65
Dividend received: SEK 299.30
Reinvested number of stock: 3 (SEK 108.40 x 3 = SEK 325.20)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 85

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 15.75

Reinvesting Avanza dividend

Avanza lowered their dividend quite substantially, claiming harder capital requirements due to covid. The stock has performed great over the last year though and the first quarter results were huge, a lot thanks to GME trading craze. Avanza has actually become my biggest holding due to the great performance. Not able to reinvest that many stocks this year unfortunately, in part due to the price increase.

Stocks owned: 617
Dividend per stock: SEK 0.85
Dividend received: SEK 524.45
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 304.5 x 2 = SEK 609.00)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 619

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 1.70

Reinvesting NCC dividend

One new NCC stock. It's something. 

Stocks owned: 82
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.50
Dividend received: SEK 205.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 153.60 x 1 = SEK 153.60)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 83

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 5.00

Reinvesting Skanska dividend

A lot of reinvestments in April to catch up on. Starting with Skanska that I have not owned for long. 

Stocks owned: 150
Dividend per stock: SEK 9.50
Dividend received: SEK 1,425.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 6 (SEK 227.30 x 6 = SEK 1,363.80)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 156

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 39.00

torsdag 8 april 2021

Dividend income March 2021

Time to sum up March. Danske Bank didn't pay out as much as I was hoping for so that lowered the month a bit compared to 2019. Also Avanza has lowered and moved their payout to April and also Axfood started paying out their dividend twice a year. That's why I'm not able to reach the highs of March 2019 payouts. However it's a small increase compared to last year, but again Avanza moving and lowering their dividend hurt the increase. Again the USD/SEK rate also was a lot higher last year. There was one record for this month broken which is the number of different dividends received, 18 in total.

I received a total of SEK 6,943.32 in dividends in March. An modest increase of 2.3% compared to last year. 

Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies - SEK 0.86
Intel - SEK 223.82
Pfizer - SEK 194.14
Starbucks - SEK 179.91
Microsoft - 181.67
3M - SEK 214.42
McDonald's  - SEK 213.95
Realty Income - SEK 169.09
Kellogg - SEK 164.41
Thomson Reuters - SEK 163.62
Unilever - SEK 186.07
Danske Bank - SEK 298.43
AstraZeneca - SEK 1,623.28
Axfood - SEK 1,068.75
Handelsbanken - SEK 631.40
Essity - SEK 553.50
Hufvudstaden - SEK 540.00
Electrolux - SEK 336.00

Reinvesting ABB dividend

Chose to receive ABB dividend in SEK as always to not get the tax from Switzerland. Time to reinvest.

Stocks owned: 183
Dividend per stock: SEK 7.35
Dividend recieved: SEK 1,345.05
Reinvested number of stock: 5 (SEK 270.90 x 5 = SEK 1,354.50)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 188

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 36.75

tisdag 6 april 2021

Reinvesting Hufvudstaden dividend

Real estate companies have been hit hard during Covid, Hufvudstaden is no exception, and they had to lower their dividend quite a lot. With the vaccination ongoing things might look better by summer. However there is the looming threat of increased rates in the background keeping outlooks on the downside. 

Stocks owned: 216
Dividend per stock: 2.50
Dividend received: SEK 540.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 4 (SEK 128.60 x 4 = SEK 514.40)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 220

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 10.00

Reinvesting Electrolux dividend

Stocks owned: 84
Dividend per stock: SEK 4.00
Dividend received: SEK 336.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 242.60 x 1 = SEK 242.60)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 85

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 8.00

Reinvesting Essity dividend

Stocks owned: 82
Dividend per stock: SEK 6.75
Dividend received: SEK 553.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 273.50 x 2 = SEK 547.00)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 84

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 13.50

Reinvesting Handelsbanken dividend

Sadly Handelsbanken cut their dividend a bit for 2021 from SEK 5.50 in 2019 to SEK 4.10 this year. Once Covid is over I think they will increase it again. Unless something unexpected happens again, like what happened to Credit Suisse with Archegos.

Stocks owned: 154
Dividend per stock: SEK 4.10
Dividend received: SEK 631.40
Number of stocks reinvested: 6 (SEK 95.40 x 6 = SEK 572.40)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 160

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 24.60

Reinvesting Axfood dividend

A lot of dividend payouts are comming up now. Axfood is the first of them.

Stocks owned: 285
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.75
Dividend received: SEK 1,068.75
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 208.80 x 5 = SEK 1,044.00)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 290

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 37.50

Reinvesting AstraZeneca dividend

Astra has had some issues with their vaccine in Europe recently. I was hoping to reinvest at around SEK 800 but the price has rallied quite a lot since the lows in February. 

Stocks owned: 103
Dividend per stock: SEK 15.76
Dividend received: SEK 1,623.28
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 876.80 x 2 = 1,753.60).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 105

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 47.26