Invested a bit into Angler Gaming which has a nice dividend yield of around 4.5% and has also had a good dividend growth history the last couple of years. I am not sure how big the tax will be on the dividend since the company is based in Malta, we'll see, but I've set it as 25% for now, hopefully I will be positevely suprised that it's lower.
They payout their dividend in June so this will be a nice addition to my current dividends for that month. I'm trying to boost the dividends I receive for certain months, July is looking especially weak but I might have found some nice companies that payout during that time.
I hope I had some nice timing buying a gaming company now after the report on Draft Kings where it feels like the whole industry got hit.
Number of shares bought: 1,000
Price: SEK 26.10
Effect on yearly dividend: + SEK 916.90