It has been a really turbelent market in February. The war in Ukraine and the inflation rate hike worries have really brought down the market. Lucky for me I have a large exposure in USD so since USDSEK has rallied hard I have had somewhat of a hedge in that. My SEK positions however have been hit hard, especially Avanza in the lately.
On the dividend side it's looking a lot brighter. I will probably beat my goal for the year by some margin. Quite a few companies have increased their dividends this year only a few have kept them stale and I think one or two have cut their dividend. All in all February was another record for me in dividends received this month. Kinder Morgan is a large part a contributing factor to this.
I received a total of SEK 1,518.03 in dividends in February. An increase of 124%!
AT&T - SEK 413.68
P&G - SEK 205.58
Realty Income - SEK 205.58
Kinder Morgan - SEK 550.97
Starbucks - SEK 216.59
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