fredag 17 december 2021

New buy Johnson & Johnson

This stock has been on my watch list for ages. It's also one of the most owned stocks for dividend investors if you look at different blogger's holdings. I'm not sure why I didn't invest in JNJ sooner, their dividend growth is really great. I also like that it's quite a defensive stock, so if there's a downward market next year I think JNJ will not be down as much as the broad index would be.

Not sure if this will be the last buy of the year or if I'll manage to squeeze in one more.

Number of shares bought: 35
Price: USD 170.46

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 1,100.00

lördag 4 december 2021

Dividend Income November 2021

Another month another record. November was a really good dividend month for me. However it was boosted by Avanza paying out a big dividend that I don't think they will be doing the next coming years. 

Feels like there's been a lot of action in the markets this month as well. Evolution came down in price enough for me to find it worth buying.

I received a total of SEK 7,340.17 in dividends in November. An increase of 107% compared to last year. 

Telia - SEK 905.00
Epiroc - SEK 396.25
AT&T - SEK 383.96
H&M - SEK 877.50
Investor - SEK 224.00
NCC - SEK 207.50
P&G - SEK 195.15
Kinder Morgan - SEK 516.93
Realty Income - SEK 176.50
Kindred - SEK 492.15
Avanza - SEK 1,826.05
SinterCast - SEK 930.00
Starbucks - SEK 208.26
Westinghouse Air Break Technologies - SEK 0.92

söndag 28 november 2021

New buy Evolution

I looked at Evolution a couple of years ago, when the price was below SEK 100, and I remember I thought that the dividend yield was too low. Unfortuneatly I didn't invest at the time, if I'd invested it would have been one of the best investments I'd have done by today... Oh well.

What I like about Evolution now is their dividend growth. It's been really great over the last couple of years, and I hope they will continue with it. They have run into a lawsuit in the US, which I don't think will affect them too much, but the stock price has come down quite a bit because of it. So I thought that now would be a good time to invest.

I remember saying that I wanted to invest into companies with higher dividend yields, but the last two I have invested in now are quite the opposite. However I hope that they will be good dividend growers instead. The next buys in line will probably also not be too high yielding, but I do have some stocks on my watch list that are. I guess I will have to buy them next year.

Number of shares bought: 50
Price: SEK 1016.20

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 343.60  

Reinvesting SinterCast dividend (4)

Last reinvestment for this year, there have been quite a lot of them, 54 if I counted correctly. Now I'll have to wait until February next year for the next one. In my dividend income post at the end of the year I will check how much effect on yearly dividends my reinvestments have summed up to. 

Stocks owned: 465
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.00
Dividend received: SEK 930.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 6 (SEK 148.00 x 6 = SEK 888.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 471

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 24.00 

Reinvesting Avanza dividend (3)

Nice divdend payout from Avanza when the dividend restrictions on banks was lifted. This dividend makes me able to break the 200k lifetime dividends received this year. Hopefully Avanza will keep this dividend payout going forward. Was not sure what dividend I should use for the yearly effect so I went with SEK 2.50

Stocks owned: 619
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.95
Dividend received: SEK 1,826.05
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 357.40 x 5 = SEK 1,787.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 624

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 12.50 

New buy TF Bank

I started looking at TF Bank this spring after I heard about them. The stock price has gone up quite a lot this year, about 200%. From what I can tell their business keeps growing quite nicely so hopefully this will be a good investment in the long run. Their dividend yield is quite low, but I think that is partly due to dividend restrictions put on banks due to covid.

Number of shares bought: 150
Price: SEK 225.00

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 150.00  

lördag 20 november 2021

Reinvesting Kindred dividend (3)

Reinvesting dividend from Kindred. Not many reinvestment left to do this year.

Stocks owned: 255
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.93
Dividend received: SEK 492.15
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 109.35 x 5 = SEK 546.75).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 260

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 19.35 

Reinvesting Kinder Morgan dividend (3)

Reinvesting dividend received in Kinder Morgan.

Stocks owned: 256
Dividend per stock: USD 0.27
Dividend received: SEK 516.93
Reinvested number of stocks: 3 (SEK 147.82 x 3 = SEK 443.45).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 259

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 24.50

lördag 13 november 2021

Reinvesting NCC dividend (4)

Another reinvestment into NCC. I'm really thinking about increasing my overall investment in NCC. It's such a small part of the portfolio I'd like to bump some of my smaller allocations a bit to get more in line with a more normal size of investment, normal size for my portfolio at least.

Stocks owned: 83
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.50
Dividend received: SEK 207.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 159.00 x 1 = SEK 159.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 84

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 5.00

Reinvesting Investor dividend (2)

Second dividend reinvestment in Investor. Able to buy one more stock for the dividend I received.

Stocks owned: 224
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.00
Dividend received: SEK 224.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 208.65 x 1 = SEK 208.65).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 225

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 3.50

söndag 7 november 2021

Reinvesting H&M dividend (2)

Last time H&M paid out a dividend was two years ago, so it was a nice surprise that they paid out again this year. Hopefully they have made enough changes and that the company is going strong enough so they can start to pay out their regular bi-annual dividend again. I'm lowballing the effect on yearly dividend to be the same as they paid out this year, can hope it will be twice that amount next year.

Stocks owned: 135
Dividend per stock: SEK 6.50
Dividend received: SEK 877.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 167.92 x 5 = SEK 839.60).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 140

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 32.50

New buy Industrivärden C

The buy side of the conversion of Industrivärden A to C shares. Since the shares payout same amount I get a small increase in yield from owning the C shares.

Number of shares bought: 2
Number of shares owned after purchase: 156
Price: SEK 290.20
Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 12.50

New sell Industrivärden A

I'm selling the two shares in Industrivärden A that I received from the dividend share payout from Handelsbanken. The A share is less liduid and also has lower dividend yield so I think it's worth it to convert the shares.

Number of shares sold: 2
Price: SEK 295.20
Effect on yearly dividend: SEK -12.50

Reinvesting AT&T dividend (3)

Reinvesting AT&T dividend. Was close to being able to buy 2 new stocks instead of one.

Stocks owned: 102
Dividend per stock: USD 0.52
Dividend received: SEK 383.96
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 216.05 x 1 = SEK 216.05).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 103

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 15.00

Reinvesting Epiroc dividend (6)

Another reinvestment in Epiroc, the third one this year.

Stocks owned: 317
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.25
Dividend received: SEK 396.25
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 184.70 x 2 = SEK 369.40).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 319

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 5.00

Reinvesting Telia dividend (9)

Reinvesting Telia dividend. 

Stocks owned: 905
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.00
Dividend received: SEK 905.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 26 (SEK 34.15 x 26 = SEK 887.90).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 931

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 52.00

söndag 31 oktober 2021

Dividend Income October 2021

Feels like these record breaking months keep coming. October was no different and November also looks to be a record. There was a bonus dividend from Electrolux this October which made me break the record so next year will be difficult to match this years numbers. A big positive for November is that Avanza is going to pay out another dividend. Since Finansinspektionen lifted their restrictions on dividends for banks they can now increase their pay out to the regular levels, so that will be a big boost for me. Actually that dividend will make it so that I manage to break the SEK 200,000.00 total life time accumulated dividends received this year.

Some other good news is that McDonald's and Starbucks have increased their dividends by 6.97% resp. 8.8%. 

I received a total of SEK 4,299.60 in dividends in October. An increase of 47.3% compared to last year.

Electrolux - SEK 340.00
Coca-Cola - SEK 192.44
Bonava - SEK 136.00
JCI - SEK 218.51
WP Carey - SEK 578.94
Realty Income - SEK 173.17
Husqvarna - SEK 588.80
GE - SEK 23.89
Electrolux - SEK 1,445.00
Handelsbanken - SEK 132.00
Atlas Copco - SEK 470.85

Reinvesting Electrolux dividend (5)

Electrolux paid out a big extra dividend this year of SEK 17. Time to reinvest it.

Stocks owned: 87 (was 85 on ex-date)
Dividend per stock: SEK 17.00
Dividend received: SEK 1,445.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 7 (SEK 195.85 x 7 = SEK 1370.95).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 94

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 56.00

Reinvesting Atlas Copco dividend (5)

Regular reinvestment of Atlas Copco dividend.

Stocks owned: 129
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.65
Dividend received: SEK 470.85
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 465.30 x 1 = SEK 465.30).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 130

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 7.30

Reinvesting Handelsbanken dividend (2)

This reinvestment is a bit special. Handelsbanken decided to pay out Industrivärden A shares as dividend. You got 1 share of Industrivärden A for every 65 of Handelsbanken. I have 160 shares of Handelsbanken so I got 2 new shares of Industrivärden A. The fractions that remained where then sold, which in my case totalled SEK 132.00. So I decided to treat the cash from the fractions as a dividend received from Handelsbanken (I guess technically that's what it is). I will probably convert my shares in Industrivärden A to C at a later date since I already own C shares (there's also small increase in yield on the C shares actually since they both pay out the same amount).

Stocks owned: 160
Dividend per stock: SEK 0.825
Dividend received: SEK 132.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 98.90 x 1 = SEK 98.90).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 161

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 4.10

söndag 24 oktober 2021

Reinvesting Husqvarna dividend (4)

Got my dividend from Husqvarna and reinvested it. Was able to buy 5 new shares. I've now reinvested a total of 23 new shares just from dividends so far.

Stocks owned: 368
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.60
Dividend received: SEK 588.80
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 116.30 x 5 = SEK 581.50).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 373

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 12.00

lördag 9 oktober 2021

Reinvesting Bonava dividend (3)

Another small reinvestment in Bonava. I'm thinking about increasing my overall holdings in Bonava since it's such a small size at the moment, but there are a lot of other companies that I want to buy.

Stocks owned: 85
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.60
Dividend received: SEK 136.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 82.30 x 2 = SEK 164.60).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 87

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 9.70

torsdag 7 oktober 2021

New buy Prudential Financial

Prudential Financial recently came to my notice and I thought to myself that they had a really nice dividend yield (more than 4%)  and they also have increased their dividend year to year quite a lot. Since I want to boost my overall yield it seemed like a good buy. The stock is also quite stable, which I also like.

I've become more aware of the impact that dividend growth has and that it might be a lot nicer to own a company that has larger dividend growth than one with a high yield. It feels like with Prudential I get both. However I still want to boost my overall yield by quite a bit so I'm now looking for some companies that have quite high dividend yields.

Number of shares bought: 35
Price: USD 107.09
Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 1,150.00

Reinvesting Electrolux dividend (4)

Reinvesting dividend from Electrolux. There will also be an extra dividend at the end of October so will reinvest again soon. Electrolux has gone down in price quite a lot, partly due to the big dividend coming up, which means I can reinvest more number of shares.

Stocks owned: 85
Dividend per stock: SEK 4.00
Dividend received: SEK 340.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 183.74 x 2 = SEK 367.48).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 87

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 16.00

lördag 2 oktober 2021

Dividend Income September 2021

I keep on breaking records, this time for the month of September. Some positive news this month was that H&M is going to pay out a dividend in November, last time they paid anything was in 2019. 15 different dividends were paid out. The dividend increase compared to last year was a lot lower than the previous months, which is more normal. Many companies started to pay out dividends again around this time last year as the first wave of Covid was over. 

Another positive thing is that I might be able to break the 200k received in dividends this year, at least it will be very close.

I received a total of SEK 4,411.93 in dividends in September. An increase of 6.6% compared to last year.

Intel - SEK 228.02
Pfizer - SEK 201.80
WalMart - SEK 196.58
Unilever - SEK 184.09
AstraZeneca - SEK 815.85
Microsoft - SEK 183.90
Chevron - SEK 393.07
3M - SEK 214.92
McDonald's - SEK 217.57
Kellogg's - SEK 170.12
Realty Income - SEK 172.69
Thomson Reuters - SEK 172.69
Autoliv - SEK 150.66
Nvidia - SEK 29.36
Axfood - SEK 1,087.50

Reinvesting Axfood dividend (4)

Reinvesting dividend received from Axfood.

Stocks owned: 290
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.75
Dividend received: SEK 1087.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 207.80 x 5 = SEK 1039.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 295

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 37.50

söndag 19 september 2021

Reinvesting AstraZeneca dividend (4)

Reinvesting another dividend into AstraZeneca. The dividend doesn't fully cover a whole new stock but as I've stated before I try to round up or down. Still happy to get one stock under SEK 1,000. This starts the dividend payouts for the Swedish companies this fall, there will be one more in September and then a bunch in October.

Stocks owned: 105
Dividend per stock: SEK 7.77
Dividend received: SEK 815.85
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 978.20 x 1 = SEK 978.20).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 106

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 23.48

lördag 4 september 2021

Dividend income August 2021

Another record month, this time for August. Six dividends were paid out this month. AT&T and Kinder Morgan where the big contributors this month, both of which I purchased in the last year. August is still one of my worst months but it's getting better. Hopefully Disney will start to pay out dividends again and I will get a small boost to August, but I'm also looking at some new companies that have payouts in August.

I received a total of SEK 1,431.09 in dividends in August. An increase of 277%!

AT&T - SEK 382.08
Realty Income - SEK 172.98
P&G - SEK 191.79
Kinder Morgan - SEK 502.07
Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies - SEK 0.88
Starbucks - SEK 181.29


torsdag 19 augusti 2021

Reinvesting Kinder Morgan dividend (2)

Second time reinvesting in Kinder Morgan. I'm able to reinvest into three additional shares. I did some calculations and for me to be able to buy four shares I will have to reinvest about 12 times more.

Stocks owned: 253
Dividend per stock: USD 0.27
Dividend received: SEK 502.07
Reinvested number of stocks: 3 (USD 16.57 x 3 = SEK 435.85)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 256

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 23.40

onsdag 4 augusti 2021

Reinvesting AT&T dividend (2)

Second time reinvesting in AT&T, able to buy one stock for the dividend I received. I haven't seen any more info regarding the joint venture between AT&T and Discovery.

Stocks owned: 101
Dividend per stock: USD 0.52
Dividend received: SEK 449.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (USD 28.025 x 1 = SEK 242.01)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 102

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 15.00

måndag 2 augusti 2021

Dividend income July 2021

Broke a record again this month, best July for me so far. Got some extra help from the dividend of Volkswagen but would've beaten the record even without it. Next month is one of the worst for me but I've managed to increase the payout a bit so it's will be better.

7 dividends were paid out this month.

I received a total of SEK 1,942.94 in dividends in July. An increase of 312% but can't really compare to 2020.

Coca-Cola - SEK 189.81
Nvidia - SEK 29.16
WP Carey - SEK 579.64
Realty Income - SEK 173.34
Johnson Controls - SEK 219.14
GE - SEK 24.10
Volkswagen - SEK 727.75

lördag 17 juli 2021

New buy Chevron

Chevron stock price finally dipped below USD 100 so I thought it was a good time to buy. I do not know how dependent we will be of oil in the future, with all the investments going into green energy. But I believe that there will still be a demand for it and that there will be a peak before there's been a full transition into other energy sources. And I think the big oil companies will work on finding alternatives to oil by investing into green energy, so I don't believe that they will become worthless in the future. Good companies are able to adapt to changes in their industry. Also when it comes to ESG I think it's a bit of trend that will slowly diminish, it was super hot last couple of years but I think it has been crammed now.

They also have a nice dividend yield and have been raising dividends for a long time, and even did so this and last year.

Looking at my dividend distribution across the year I need to boost my dividends for January, February, July and August. I will try too look for companies that have payouts in those months going forward. I know that there are some good ones out there that I have already on my watch list that payout during those months.

Number of shares bought: 40
Price: USD 99.73
Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 1,550.00

torsdag 1 juli 2021

Reinvesting Angler Gaming dividend (1)

I was not sure if Angler Gaming dividend would have any tax on it but lucky enough it didn't. Something I wasn't aware of however is that the lowest courtage is SEK 19 for the exchange where it's listed. Still, I can live with that.

Stocks owned: 1,000
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.21152
Dividend received: SEK 1,211.52
Reinvested number of stocks: 50 (SEK 24.65 x 50 = 1,232.50)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 1,050

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 60.57

Dividend income June 2021

Another record month! I broke the record of dividend amount received for the month of June, a large part of that was thanks to the dividend I received from Angler Gaming and the extra dividend from Epiroc. 

13 different dividends got paid this month.

I received a total of SEK 4,163.28 in dividends in June. An increase of 45.6% compared to last year.

McDonald's - SEK 210.24
Wal Mart - SEK 189.15
Kellogg's - SEK 164.39
3M - SEK 208.81
Microsoft - SEK 177.35
Realty Income - SEK 166.52
Intel - SEK 219.51
Unilever - SEK 183.67
Thomson Reuters - SEK 160.53
Epiroc - SEK 933.00
Autoliv - SEK 143.74
Pfizer - SEK 194.85
Angler Gaming - SEK 1,211.52

New buy WP Carey

Bought WP Carey last week. A big part of the reason is to help increase my dividends in July and January. I also think that the company looks good where they continually increase their dividends on a quarterly basis. Also they have a really nice dividend yield which I also need to boost for my entire portfolio.

I'm not particularly scared of inflation affecting the real estate sector, higher rates will affect it but I think that the companies can feed those costs through to their clients rents. Time will tell if this inflation is transitory or not.

Number of shares bought: 75
Price: USD 77.50
Effect on yearly dividend: + SEK 2,125.00

fredag 18 juni 2021

New buy Angler Gaming

Invested a bit into Angler Gaming which has a nice dividend yield of around 4.5% and has also had a good dividend growth history the last couple of years. I am not sure how big the tax will be on the dividend since the company is based in Malta, we'll see, but I've set it as 25% for now, hopefully I will be positevely suprised that it's lower. 

They payout their dividend in June so this will be a nice addition to my current dividends for that month. I'm trying to boost the dividends I receive for certain months, July is looking especially weak but I might have found some nice companies that payout during that time.

I hope I had some nice timing buying a gaming company now after the report on Draft Kings where it feels like the whole industry got hit.

Number of shares bought: 1,000
Price: SEK 26.10
Effect on yearly dividend: + SEK 916.90

Reinvesting Epiroc dividend (5)

Epiroc had an extra dividend payout in the form of a rights issue, each right gave SEK 3.00 in cash. A nice extra boost to my dividend this year. June is looking to become a new record month.

Stocks owned: 311
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.00
Dividend received: SEK 933.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 6 (SEK 160.90 x 6 = 965.40)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 317

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 15.00

fredag 4 juni 2021

Dividend income May 2021

I received 21 dividends in May, a new record. The record from March didn't last very long. I was also so very close to breaking the all time record for dividends received in a month but fell short with just a hundred SEK. So the record from 2019 still holds.

I will start to post the accumulated dividends I've received with each monthly post, I think it will be nice to have a snapshot of how it looks every month and will make it easier to track the progress.

Also getting close to having received the same amount of dividends I received in total 2020, so the comeback is real.

I received a total of SEK 11,536.94 in dividends in May. A huge increase of 936% compared to last year, although last year was really bad year and can't really compare them.

Bayer - SEK 747.61
Atlas Copco - SEK 467.20
Firefly - SEK 1,207.50
AT&T - SEK 372.87
Biotage - SEK 502.50
Epiroc - SEK 386.25
Svedbergs - SEK 562.50
BASF - SEK 1,037.16
Activision Blizzard - SEK 250.76
Stille - SEK 365.50
Investor - SEK 550.00
Novotek - SEK 2,250.00
Realty Income - SEK 166.15
P&G - SEK 183.62
Kinder Morgan - SEK 475.00
Hugo Boss - SEK 16.37
SAP - SEK 414.21
Kindred - SEK 488.88
Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies - SEK 0.85
SinterCast - SEK 918.00
Starbucks - SEK 174.01

lördag 29 maj 2021

Reinvesting SinterCast dividend (3)

With the dividend I received from SinterCast I have now broken the SEK 175,000.00 total dividends received milestone! It's taken roughly six years. Hopefully this will accelarate in the future. The next milestone of 200k I will probably reach around spring next year.

Stocks owned: 459
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.00
Dividend received: SEK 918.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 6 (SEK 147.00 x 6 = SEK 882.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 465

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 24.00

fredag 21 maj 2021

Reinvesting Kindred dividend (2)

Long time since I was able to reinvest in Kindred as they didn't pay any dividend last year. There was an error when they paid out their dividend for some reason, it got split into two payouts, one for SEK 1.67 per stock and one for SEK 0.27 per stock. I've still treated it as a single payout.

Stocks owned: 252
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.94
Dividend received: SEK 488.88
Reinvested number of stocks: 3 (SEK 137.60 x 3 = SEK 412.80).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 255

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 11.64

Reinvesting Kinder Morgan dividend (1)

Kinder Morgan has performed great since I bought them earlier this year and this is the first time to reinvest.

Stocks owned: 250
Dividend per stock: USD 0.27
Dividend received: SEK 475.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 3 (SEK 154.39 x 3 = SEK 463.18).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 253

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 27.05

lördag 15 maj 2021

Reinvesting Novotek dividend (1)

Broke a new record with this payout from Novotek, biggest single dividend payout ever of SEK 2,250.00. There was a bonus dividend of SEK 0.75 this year, as they didn't pay anything last year. I don't think that I can expect the same amount next year. It looks like I will not break the record for amount received in a single month, but on the brighter side I just found out Autoliv reinstated their quarterly dividend so I will receive 3 extra dividends this year.

Stocks owned: 1,000
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.25
Dividend received: SEK 2,250.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 44 (SEK 51.20 x 44 = SEK 2,252.80).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 1,044

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 66.00

Reinvesting Investor dividend (1)

First time reinvesting Investor dividend. Although this payout wasn't enough to buy one new stock I decided to buy one anyway. There's another smaller payout in November and these two payouts combined is enough for one stock. So there won't be another reinvestment this year.

Stocks owned: 55
Dividend per stock: SEK 10.00
Dividend received: SEK 550.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 713.00 x 1 = SEK 713.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 56

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 14.00

fredag 14 maj 2021

Reinvesting Stille dividend (1)

First time reinvesting in Stille. They cut their dividend last year so it's nice that it's back this year.

Stocks owned: 215

Dividend per stock: SEK 1.70
Dividend received: SEK 365.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 3 (SEK 120.0 x 3 = SEK 360.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 218

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 5.10

fredag 7 maj 2021

Reinvesting BASF dividend (2)

Second time reinvesting in BASF. 

Stocks owned: 42
Dividend per stock: EUR 3.30
Dividend received: SEK 1,037.16
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 713.36 x 1 = SEK 713.36).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 43

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 24.75

Reinvesting Epiroc dividend (4)

I will start adding which number of reinvestment it is in a company in the title from now on. Epiroc has anounced a bonus dividend of SEK 3.00 in May so that's a nice boost to this years dividends.

Stocks owned: 309
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.25
Dividend received: SEK 386.25
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 172.50 x 2 = SEK 345.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 311

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 5.00

Reinvesting Biotage dividend

First time reinvesting in Biotage.

Stocks owned: 335
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.50
Dividend received: SEK 502.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 3 (SEK 184.00 x 3 = SEK 552.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 338

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 4.50

Reinvesting Svedbergs dividend

A lot of first time reinvestments in May, Svedbergs is another one.

Stocks owned: 450
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.25
Dividend received: SEK 562.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 11 (SEK 51.60 x 11 = SEK 567.60).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 461

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 13.75

Reinvesting AT&T dividend

I missed reinvesting AT&T in February so this is the first time. I'm not sure if it's worth reinvesting the foreign dividends due to the high fees, but AT&T will pay off in about 2 quarters so I think it's alright.

Stocks owned: 100
Dividend per stock: USD 0.52
Dividend received: SEK 372.87
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 271.87 x 1 = SEK 271.87).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 101

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 14.00

Reinvesting Atlas Copco dividend

4th time reinvesting dividend in Atlas Copco, time flies. 

Stocks owned: 128
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.65
Dividend received: SEK 467.20
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 438.60 x 1 = SEK 438.60).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 129

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 7.30 

Reinvesting Firefly dividend

Another first time reinvestment, this time Firefly. It's always nice when I'm able to reinvest into more than just one or two new stocks.

Stocks owned: 575
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.10
Dividend received: SEK 1,207.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 18 (SEK 68.80 x 18 = SEK 1,238.40).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 593

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 37.80

Reinvesting Bayer dividend

First time reinvesting dividend from Bayer. 

Stocks owned: 50
Dividend per stock: EUR 2.00
Dividend received: SEK 747.61
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 543.10 x 1 = SEK 543.10).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 51

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 15.00

Dividend income April 2021

Broke the record for dividends received in the month of April this year. It was also a big increase in dividends received compared to last year, which was when a lot of companies started to cancel their dividends due to covid. 

I received a total of SEK 9,148.16 in dividends in April, an increase of almost 259% compared to the year before.

Coca-Cola - SEK 190.96
Telia - SEK 881.00
NCC - SEK 205.00
Bonava - SEK 299.30
Industrivärden - SEK 1,237.50
Walmart - SEK 197.64
JCI - SEK 211.86
Holmen - SEK 1,956.50
Avanza - SEK 524.45
Nvidia - SEK 29.63
Realty Income - 167.98
ABB - SEK 1,345.05
SCA - SEK 160.00
Husqvarna - SEK 292.80
GE - SEK 23.49
Skanska - SEK 1,425.00

Reinvesting Holmen dividend

This years dividend from Holmen is the single largest dividend payout I have ever received. Yet it's about to be surpassed soon by another even larger payout.

Stocks owned: 182
Dividend per stock: SEK 10.75
Dividend received: SEK 1,956.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 419.50 x 5 = SEK 2,097.50).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 187

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 36.25

Reinvesting Industrivärden dividend

First time reinvesting in Industrivärden even though it's one of my oldest holdings. Better late than never. There was a bonus dividend of SEK 2.00 so I'm using the regular dividend to calculate the effect on yearly dividend.

Stocks owned: 150
Dividend per stock: SEK 8.25
Dividend received: SEK 1,237.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 4 (SEK 305.70 x 4 = SEK 1,222.80).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 154

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 25.00

fredag 23 april 2021

Reinvesting SCA dividend

First time reinvesting dividend in SCA. I really need to increase my holdings in SCA and Essity so I can start to reinvest higher amounts.

Stocks owned: 80
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.00
Dividend received: SEK 160.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 155.00 x 1 = SEK 155.00).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 81

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 2.00

Reinvesting Husqvarna dividend

Able to buy two new stocks in Husqvarna this time.

Stocks owned: 366
Dividend per stock: SEK 0.80
Dividend received: SEK 292.80
Reinvested number of stock: 2 (SEK 123.65 x 2 = SEK 247.30)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 368

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 4.80

Reinvesting Telia dividend

Not sure if I can tell a difference yet in the number of reinvested stocks I am able to buy due to reinvesting Telia's dividend. But I'm getting to a point soon were each reinvestment makes me able to reinvest into one additional stock. The snowball is in motion.

Stocks owned: 881
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.00
Dividend received: SEK 881.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 24 (SEK 36.38 x 24 = SEK 873.12)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 905

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 48.00

Reinvesting Bonava dividend

Small reinvestment in Bonava. Think I need to increase my holdings a bit in both NCC and Bonava, but there are so many other stocks to invest in at the same time.

Stocks owned: 82
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.65
Dividend received: SEK 299.30
Reinvested number of stock: 3 (SEK 108.40 x 3 = SEK 325.20)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 85

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 15.75

Reinvesting Avanza dividend

Avanza lowered their dividend quite substantially, claiming harder capital requirements due to covid. The stock has performed great over the last year though and the first quarter results were huge, a lot thanks to GME trading craze. Avanza has actually become my biggest holding due to the great performance. Not able to reinvest that many stocks this year unfortunately, in part due to the price increase.

Stocks owned: 617
Dividend per stock: SEK 0.85
Dividend received: SEK 524.45
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 304.5 x 2 = SEK 609.00)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 619

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 1.70

Reinvesting NCC dividend

One new NCC stock. It's something. 

Stocks owned: 82
Dividend per stock: SEK 2.50
Dividend received: SEK 205.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 153.60 x 1 = SEK 153.60)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 83

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 5.00

Reinvesting Skanska dividend

A lot of reinvestments in April to catch up on. Starting with Skanska that I have not owned for long. 

Stocks owned: 150
Dividend per stock: SEK 9.50
Dividend received: SEK 1,425.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 6 (SEK 227.30 x 6 = SEK 1,363.80)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 156

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 39.00

torsdag 8 april 2021

Dividend income March 2021

Time to sum up March. Danske Bank didn't pay out as much as I was hoping for so that lowered the month a bit compared to 2019. Also Avanza has lowered and moved their payout to April and also Axfood started paying out their dividend twice a year. That's why I'm not able to reach the highs of March 2019 payouts. However it's a small increase compared to last year, but again Avanza moving and lowering their dividend hurt the increase. Again the USD/SEK rate also was a lot higher last year. There was one record for this month broken which is the number of different dividends received, 18 in total.

I received a total of SEK 6,943.32 in dividends in March. An modest increase of 2.3% compared to last year. 

Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies - SEK 0.86
Intel - SEK 223.82
Pfizer - SEK 194.14
Starbucks - SEK 179.91
Microsoft - 181.67
3M - SEK 214.42
McDonald's  - SEK 213.95
Realty Income - SEK 169.09
Kellogg - SEK 164.41
Thomson Reuters - SEK 163.62
Unilever - SEK 186.07
Danske Bank - SEK 298.43
AstraZeneca - SEK 1,623.28
Axfood - SEK 1,068.75
Handelsbanken - SEK 631.40
Essity - SEK 553.50
Hufvudstaden - SEK 540.00
Electrolux - SEK 336.00

Reinvesting ABB dividend

Chose to receive ABB dividend in SEK as always to not get the tax from Switzerland. Time to reinvest.

Stocks owned: 183
Dividend per stock: SEK 7.35
Dividend recieved: SEK 1,345.05
Reinvested number of stock: 5 (SEK 270.90 x 5 = SEK 1,354.50)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 188

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 36.75

tisdag 6 april 2021

Reinvesting Hufvudstaden dividend

Real estate companies have been hit hard during Covid, Hufvudstaden is no exception, and they had to lower their dividend quite a lot. With the vaccination ongoing things might look better by summer. However there is the looming threat of increased rates in the background keeping outlooks on the downside. 

Stocks owned: 216
Dividend per stock: 2.50
Dividend received: SEK 540.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 4 (SEK 128.60 x 4 = SEK 514.40)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 220

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 10.00

Reinvesting Electrolux dividend

Stocks owned: 84
Dividend per stock: SEK 4.00
Dividend received: SEK 336.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 242.60 x 1 = SEK 242.60)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 85

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 8.00

Reinvesting Essity dividend

Stocks owned: 82
Dividend per stock: SEK 6.75
Dividend received: SEK 553.50
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 273.50 x 2 = SEK 547.00)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 84

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 13.50

Reinvesting Handelsbanken dividend

Sadly Handelsbanken cut their dividend a bit for 2021 from SEK 5.50 in 2019 to SEK 4.10 this year. Once Covid is over I think they will increase it again. Unless something unexpected happens again, like what happened to Credit Suisse with Archegos.

Stocks owned: 154
Dividend per stock: SEK 4.10
Dividend received: SEK 631.40
Number of stocks reinvested: 6 (SEK 95.40 x 6 = SEK 572.40)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 160

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 24.60

Reinvesting Axfood dividend

A lot of dividend payouts are comming up now. Axfood is the first of them.

Stocks owned: 285
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.75
Dividend received: SEK 1,068.75
Reinvested number of stocks: 5 (SEK 208.80 x 5 = SEK 1,044.00)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 290

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 37.50

Reinvesting AstraZeneca dividend

Astra has had some issues with their vaccine in Europe recently. I was hoping to reinvest at around SEK 800 but the price has rallied quite a lot since the lows in February. 

Stocks owned: 103
Dividend per stock: SEK 15.76
Dividend received: SEK 1,623.28
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (SEK 876.80 x 2 = 1,753.60).

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 105

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 47.26

lördag 27 mars 2021

Reinvesting Danske Bank dividend

Danske Bank paid out dividend again this year, but only a small fraction of what they did 2019. I hope they will be paying out full next year again, not sure if that will depend on how it goes with the money laundring accusation. I think another reason they lowered the dividend this year was due to covid so maybe that also speaks for a bigger dividend payout in 2022.

Stocks owned: 150
Dividend per stock: SEK 1.9895
Dividend recieved: SEK 298.43
Reinvested number of stocks: 2 (DKK 117.90 x 2 = SEK 323.38)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 152

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 2.07

onsdag 10 mars 2021

Reinvesting Pfizer dividend

First dividend reinvestment of the year! Was only able to cover roughly one new share with the dividend that I received, but better than nothing at least. Unfortunately I didn't know that Pfizer had dividend withholding tax if you bought the one listed on OMX, so I had to pay 15% tax on it (which I should get back in a couple of years).

Stocks owned: 70
Dividend per stock: SEK 3.22452
Dividend recieved: SEK 194.14
Reinvested number of stocks: 1 (SEK 294.00 x 1 = SEK 294.00)

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 71

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 10.20

söndag 7 mars 2021

New buy Skanska

Bought some shares in Skanska, a Swedish construction company. With all the stimulus money that is being printed there is talk about that this money should be invested in the infrastructure. In the US a lot of the infrastructure is in need of repairs and upgrades so hopefully Skanska can get a share of that construction. The yield of 3.15% is also very nice, although it's a bit doped by an extra dividend payout this year. 

Number of shares bought: 150
Price: SEK 205.80
Effect on yearly dividend: SEK 1,425.00

Dividend income February 2021

February is one of the lowest paying months for me. It's become a bit better thanks to AT&T's dividend. However Starbucks moved their payout to March and also the USD strength last year makes the difference not be so big compared to last February. However this is the best February I've had so far. But I really need to work on increasing payout in January, February and July. 

I received a total of SEK 705.05 in dividends this February. An increase of 24.7% compared to last year.

Realty Income - SEK 165.51
P&G - SEK 167.42
AT&T - SEK 372.12

New buy Kinder Morgan Inc

Bought 250 shares in Kinder Morgan in February. The price is low and it's a nice dividend yield at the moment if they continue their current dividend distribution. I'm not sure if KMI is somehow positvely affected by the cold weather in Texas and the rest of the US but hopefully. I was looking to buy an oil company but decided to buy KMI instead. I believe both to be good if inflation does pick up, which is what many believe will happen.

Number of shares bought: 250
Price: USD 14.57
Effect on yearly dividend: SEK 1,673.49

söndag 31 januari 2021

Dividend income January 2021

First month of 2021 and not starting good with this months dividends. This is the worst January ever for me and there are two reasons. One is that Disney decided to not pay any dividend and the second reason is that USDSEK is still low, I think last year it was almost 1 SEK higher. Some good news though is that some companies have already had their annual reports and are going to reinstate their dividends and in some cases they will be increased. However there are also some companies that have lowered and also removed their dividends for this year. Avanza lowered their dividend quite substantially, even though it's their best year ever. Hopefully we can climb over SEK 40,000 in dividends this year.

The last week was very volatile with what happened with Gamestop and the whole Wallstreetbets thing. I think a lot of people still think that the hedge funds are still short the stock. I believe they are all out of the stock and now there are just new shorts that came in at a much higher level. At this point I only think there are retail clients in that stock, and it will probably not end well for most of them.

We're at a point in the market were it seems we are very close to the highs or have just passed them. The hype that is now being shown everywhere is a sign of it. So many people are now investing, or rather speculating in the stock market that have never shown any interest in it what so ever before. 

I received a total of SEK 583.65 in dividends in January.

Walmart - SEK 184.16
JCI - SEK 204.77
Realty Income - SEK 167.45
GE - SEK 27.27

New buy SAP

First purchase of 2021. Bought SAP, which took quite a hit in autumn last year on their outlook. Hopefully this will be a nice turnaround case. Not very high yield but I think SAP can keep growing.

Number of shares bought: 30
Price: EUR 104.24
Effect on yearly dividend: SEK 337.73

onsdag 6 januari 2021

Dividend income December 2020

A very tumultuous year has come to its end. When the market crashed in March I was down somewhere around 25%. Luckily the rest of the year has been really strong for stocks. My full year return was 10.4% which I think is good, specially when compared to OMX 30 which was up around 6% for the year. I know there are a lot of people who started investing in stocks this year after the crash and their returns are a lot better though. Unfortunately for me I was still unemployed during the crash so I did not want to invest my free cash into stocks at the time, something we now know was wrong. I believe next time there's a crash I will try to be a bit more aggressive and invest during the downturn. They don't come very often and can be quite lucrative. My return also took quite a big hit due to the strengthening of the SEK versus the USD. During March a dollar cost over SEK 10.00. Now in December it's gone all the way down to SEK 8.20, which seriously affected my return on US stocks. For my dividends I hope for a weaker SEK in the comming year, we will have to see what the Riksbank will do if they will lower the rate or not. However a strong SEK means I can buy US stocks cheaper.

During the spring a lot of companies also started to cancel their dividends. I was then fearing that I would receive dividends in the low 20k's. However some companies did pay out their dividends at the end of the year so the drop wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. In total I received SEK 30,469.03 in dividends for 2020, a drop of almost 30% compared to 2019 SEK 42,325.08.

Hopefully 2021 will become a more normal year for dividends for me, however I've already noticed that Disney has cancelled their dividend for the first half of the year. If companies start to pay out dividends this year again I believe there could be record amounts being paid as they withheld them last year. Time will tell.

My goal for 2021 would be to reach SEK 50,000.00 in dividend payouts. I believe if this year will be a normal year I can achieve it, especially because of investments into new stocks.

I received twelve dividends in December totalling SEK 2,873.02. An increase of 44% compared to last year.

For the full year I received 97 dividends totalling SEK 30,469.03 a drop of 28% compared to 2019. 

Atlas Copco - SEK 444.50
Intel - SEK 214.08
Epiroc - SEK 367.20
Telia - SEK 562.25
Microsoft - SEK 180.89
Kellogg - SEK 161.40
Coca-Cola - SEK 179.95
McDonald's - SEK 210.03
Realty Income - SEK 165.64
Thomson Reuters - SEK 150.75
3M - SEK 208.54
Nvidia - SEK 27.79