fredag 31 mars 2023

Dividend income March 2023

March was a turbulent month but it's not really been reflected in the markets, even though we have had some of the biggest bank failures in history. Hopefully there's not a lot of contagion like there was in the GFC. I do believe there's something brewing somewhere, probably in VC och real estate. We will see.

For me it was another record month and my portfolio is at an ATH. Unfortunately, or maybe not unfortunately but rather a risk for me, is that almost all of the increase comes from Nvidia. Nvidia is now such a large position in my portfolio that it kind of dictates the overall performance. And with it being at close to ATH again and a PE of over 150 I am beginning to worry. It the end it doesn't really matter that much as I will not sell and just hold. Some day I hope they will finally start to increase their dividend.

Dividend-wise it was another record month. I beat the March record and also passed the 300k cumulative dividends received mile stone. Hopefully this year I will break 100k received in a single year as well, depending on the dollar rate and how much new dividend stocks I buy. Also Avanza has payed back the taxes deducted from 2020, 2021 and 2022 which is roughly 14k for me. I will however continue to account for taxes when I do my forecasts etc.

I received a total of SEK 14,166.18 in dividends in March. An increase of 38.1% compared to last year.








Johnson & Johnson






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies




Realty Income






Thomson Reuters


Prudential Financial

















Reinvesting Handelsbanken dividend (4)

I boosted the dividend I receive from Handelsbanken by a lot when I increased my position earlier this month. Although they had a bonus dividend this year of SEK 2.5 I hope that they will have a nice dividend next year as well close to the one this year, but I will use the ordinary dividend to calculate the effect on the yearly dividend.

I bought some extra shares since I wanted to reinvest an even number this time.

Stocks owned: 510
Dividend per stock: SEK 8.00
Dividend received: SEK 4,080.00
Reinvested number of stocks: 50

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 560

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 275.00

Reinvesting Axfood dividend (8)

The dividend season has now started in full force and I almost receive a new dividend daily to reinvest . 

Stocks owned: 313
Dividend per stock: SEK 4.15
Dividend received: SEK 1,298.95
Reinvested number of stocks: 5

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 318

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 40.75

Reinvesting AstraZeneca dividend (7)

With the dividend I received from AstraZeneca I passed the 300k cumulative received dividends since I started investing. It took almost four years for the first 100k then two and a half years to reach the 200k mark. To reach 300k took only one year and a quarter, and this will continue to speed up where I earn over a 100k in dividends per year, hopefully this year. The snowball is starting to generate its own momentum now.

Stocks owned: 109
Dividend per stock: SEK 20.69
Dividend received: SEK 2,255.21
Reinvested number of stocks: 2

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 111

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 60.00

lördag 25 mars 2023

Bought Handelsbanken

I bought some more Handelsbanken the day before ex-date. Their yield was looking really nice and they are one of the most stable banks in the world. A bit unlucky that the banking crisis continued through the end of the week, but this gives me even more new stocks when I reinvest the dividend I receive. It might be that Handelsbanken don't pay out a bonus dividend next year but it feels like they will earn even more money when the rates keep going up. I don't think we will see a lowering of rates this year in Sweden at least, Riksbanken will have to raise next meeting and probably the one after as well, unless there's a big turn in the banking crisis and we go full out GFC again.

Number of shares bought: 340
Price: SEK 98.10

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 1,870.00

fredag 10 mars 2023

Reinvesting Intel dividend (3)

This will be the last dividend reinvestment in Intel for a while since they cut their dividend by a lot, around 60%. It's a bit sad that they cut it by so much, but hopefully it will make it possible for them to succeed with their chip plans. In the long run it might be that Intel could come back as a strong dividend growth stock.

Stocks owned: 92
Dividend per stock: USD 0.365
Dividend received: SEK 298.49
Reinvested number of stocks: 1

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 93

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 4.50

fredag 3 mars 2023

Reinvesting SBB dividend (12)

To my surprise SBB increased their dividend this year. I feel like they are trying to become a dividend aristocrat in Sweden. Also they were suggesting that they would look into the possibility of DRIP, a dividend reinvestment program. DRIP essentially means you get new stocks instead of a dividend payout, something I actually would prefer. I'd save a little bit of money on the commission when reinvesting. On the other hand my 0.75 rule would no longer be possible to use. But as I understand it the fractional dividend gets carried over to the next dividend.

Since SBB price has come down quite a bit over the last month I was able to afford two additional shares compared to last month. And with the dividend increase coming in May I will probably be able to buy an extra share each month. I will calculate the effect on yearly dividend using the new increased dividend.

Stocks owned: 1,385
Dividend per stock: SEK 0.11
Dividend received: SEK 152.35
Reinvested number of stocks: 9

Stocks owned after reinvesting: 1,394

Effect on yearly dividend: +SEK 12.96

Dividend income February 2023

Almost all of the reports are done now and we have seen some increased dividends, lowered dividends, removed dividends and reinstated dividends. The portfolio moved sideways more or less this month. Even though there seems to be signs of increased rate hikes the market hasn't really reacted.

Some surprises in the reporting were that SBB increases their dividend this year. I thought they'd leave it flat or might even cut it, like Castellum did. I am thinking of if I should increase my holdings in SBB for the monthly dividend, but I still feel the risk in the real estate sector in Sweden is too high. 

I am also very interested in buying some new US stocks, but the USD is still so strong, or rather the SEK is still so weak.

It was another record month for me in dividends received.

I received a total of SEK 1,798.37 in dividends in February. An increase of 13.7% compared to last year.






Realty Income


Kinder Morgan



